Together we will create a more just and equitable future for every resident.


We are forging a just society, where laws that are shaped by the people, work for the people. We’re rallying around three game-changing efforts to advance justice in Maryland.

MAJC in Maryland

  • CHERISH Our Communities

    Ensure our communities are protected from toxic pollution, not burdened by it.

    When a new polluting facility is built in a community, nearby residents breathe the pollution from it as well as from every other polluting facility together, with the environmental and health damages of all of the pollution compounding together. Since polluting facilities have been disproportionately sited in minority and economically distressed communities in Maryland, that means that low-wealth, Black, and other communities of color in Maryland face greater cancer and other health risks from exposure to toxics.

    But despite how nearby residents experience the pollution of all nearby facilities all at once, Maryland's system for issuing permits for polluting facilities doesn't reflect that reality. The CHERISH Our Communities Act will change this unjust system.

  • Renewable Energy

    Support real renewable energy, not toxic pollution in disguise.

    Maryland puts some of our utility bill money toward renewable energy sources to transition to clean energy - BUT it includes burning trash and manure and manufacturing methane, a toxic gas that is making climate change worse.

    These polluters are actively harming our communities’ health. Incinerators increase the risk of cancers, birth defects, and heart/lung diseases.

    The Reclaim Renewable Energy Act SAYS NO to subsidies for trash incineration and invests more into power sources that don’t emit harmful pollution.

  • Transportation Access

    Ensure our community has a say in affordable and accessible transportation.

    Governor Hogan canceled the Red Line project which would have built a transit rail connecting East and West Baltimore, even though many residents who badly need affordable transit strongly supported the project. We passed the Transportation Equity Act to help ensure Maryland would never see a decision like that again. The Transit Equity Act, passed in 2022, requires Maryland to consult with communities first and avoid making decisions that would make transportation worse.

…dollars spent on these dirty “renewable” energy sources mean dollars not spent on real, emissions-free renewables.